Industrial Fire & Gas Safety Systems

As part of our wider Fire Safety services, Proeon offers a range of integrated Fire & Gas systems for use in industrial applications.

Fire Safety management is the legal and moral responsibility of all business owners and asset managers. Proeon offer expert technical skill sets, to provide capable and competent engineers, with the specialist knowledge to keep your personnel and assets safe.

The adoption of functional safety standards continues to grow rapidly worldwide with increasing requirements being set for SIL2 / SIL3 capable F&G systems. We are partners with Honeywell, holding the UK licence, for their Fire & Gas control panels.

Fire and Gas Detection System Location Design

The location of Gas Detectors is essential to providing an effective system to detect flammable and toxic gas to protect the occupants and systems. Placing the gas detectors in the most effective locations is a consultative process that reviews the risks and mitigation, proposes performance targets that reflect the information provided and will provide verification of the existing gas detection using Exide verified software to calculate the 3-dimensional coverage of the risk.

Correct detector location ensures the system can detect gas in time for the appropriate action to take place. The BSI Standards 60079 (Flammable Gas) and 45444 (Toxic Gas) and 60080 (the location of the field detectors) specifies that gas detector location design requires expertise and the advice of experts having specialist knowledge. The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires that any gas detector location design be undertaken by a competent person with sufficient training and experience or knowledge. The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires suitable warning systems are established to enable appropriate response and where necessary provide warning prior to explosive conditions are reached.

More information is available on our Gas Mapping page.

Honeywell S81-HS

Within industrial Fire & Gas protection applications there are few options offering the level of adaptability and control as the S81-HS that provides the following features:

  • Addressable Fire Detection with APOLLO Devices and Loop certified SIL2

  • Addressable Fire Detection with HOCHIKI AND NOTIFIER Devices

  • Conventional Fire Detection System SIL2 or SIL3

  • Explosive and Toxic Gas Detection 4-20mA devices SIL2 or SIL3

  • Fire Extinguishment SIL2 & SIL3

The S81-HS panel is intended for the completely safe protection of high value technology, plant and equipment.

It is designed to meet the heaviest demands on functionality, reliability and availability. In particular, it is ideally suited to companies that operate in the field of energy production and handling, where it shows excellent resistance to electromagnetic disturbances.

The S81-HS panel looks like a safety PLC, but differs from this as it is certified by European bodies to perform the protection functions in compliance with the applicable regulations.

S81-HS control panel

The panel is composed of specialised cards, installed in 483mm (19") racks, whose type and quantity depends on specific applications and customer requirements, i.e. on the plant/equipment to be protected.

The cards, which have their own "intelligence", are programmed for active/passive fire protection, gas detection, intruder alarm and control management.

Moreover, the S81-HS can interact with other panels of the same type, as well as with supervisory and SCADA systems, through both proprietary and standard protocols, such as Ethernet TCP/IP and Modbus.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist with the specific requirements for your project/site - T: +44(0)1953 859 110.